" Both are natives educated, very "muerteros" or spiritual, but working without nfumbe or kongome (human bones), and therefore without nkisi, only with nfuiris, elementary mpungus (pure forces of nature, like fire, sea, the moon and stars) and saints, who are nfuiris very advanced spirits bright.

This would be closer to Palo Monte, in which some use no bone nor are to harm (supposedly), but do animal sacrifice?. It is also in my tradition a portal or house to the dead, but this is controversial and not in every lineage. They are able to use their pots in some capacity. Sorcerers seek out this type of nfuiris to agree with them and support their nkisis, not because they like so, but because they are the easiest to convince and manipulate and stronger and more effective to work. Often victims of accidents, crimes, fights and wars, sudden or early, suicidal diseases (although it seems contradictory, most suicides take their own lives to avoid suffering and humiliation, but do not really want to die), children and mentally disturbed. They are spirits who are not yet ready to accept that their lives have ended, belonging to people who perished in dramatic, violent, unexpected, premature or unconscious. According to my reference at the end of this blog post the nfumbes who are most chosen" but instead can perceive, feel and meddle in the affairs of the living. Elevated spirits are not chained to the earth realm like nfumbe. I am guessing because they are heavier more material yet immaterial capable of great and precise effects apon the world, and cannot leave the earth plane either, anchored by the blood. This is a point of ridicule, but if you send a nfumbe out its not in the pot any longer.well there are things there I do not understand. Other dead we do not force them to work, we have no guardian Mpungo for it, so you must be strong in your spiritual frame or court, and as a spiritualist to control the portal. Spirits may stick around because they like their goodies, they like us, or do not have any other option for elevation, or like the work.

They would leave by our bad behavior and by not attending them. Our spirits are free and are of light for the most part, and there is nothing to stop them from leaving, except if they are guides they have been contracted by God for the most part before birth.